Library Rules and Regulations


·       The library will be opened on all working days.

·       Strict silence must be observed in the library.

·       While borrowing a book, presentation of identity and library card is essential.

·       No student shall keep the library books for more than fifteen days. If book is not returned when due or called for a fine of 50 paisa per day or fine as per rules of the library will be levied.

·       The librarian may recall any book from the borrower at any time.

·       The borrower should not write anything on the library book. If a book is lost or mutilated the borrower should pay the cost of the replaceable book together with fine that may be imposed at dis-creations of the principal.

·       Every student should renew their identity cum library card at the beginning of the academic year.

·       No food is allowed in the library reading room.